Welcome JATA
Egypt, Japan a Potential Tourism Cooperation
GTI is honored to host the President of Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) Tadashi Shimura and his accompanying official and media delegation in Hurghada
From 2nd till 7th of February 2019 JATA Delegation visited Egypt for tourism talks.
Ahmed Youssef, the head of the Egyptian authority, said that such a visit has a positive impact on attracting more Japanese tourists to Egypt.
“The Japanese market is one of the most important markets, as the Japanese tourists are famous for their high spending rate and long stay in addition to their passion for the ancient Egyptian civilization,” Youssef noted.
About JATA
Japan Association of Travel Agents concentrates on improving the recognition of the power of the travel industry and establishing the presence of the “Japan” brand in the exceptionally-fast growing Asian market. By expanding the exchange at private sector level, the association aims at creating job opportunities, supporting the economy and, by deepening mutual exchange, contribute to the realization of world peace and prosperity.